
Viorel Banta

Viorel Costin Banța has been Lecturer at Bucharest University of Economic Studies since 2021. He holds a PhD in engineering (2015) and a bachelor’s degree in Automation and Computers (2000) from Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics, currently pursuing a PhD in Accounting.

Vanesa Vargas



Valentina Ghinea


Valentina Mihaela Ghinea, PhD, is an associate professor at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. She mainly teaches Human Resource Management and Strategic Human Resource Management, as she holds a PhD in Organizational Culture dynamics.

Vlad Panait

Business Angel

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse nec porta sapien. Curabitur interdum aliquam mollis. Nullam facilisis egestas massa, non faucibus dolor iaculis vel. Donec semper, felis non egestas sollicitudin, elit nisl pulvinar est, sed elementum justo mi non nulla. Nunc dolor arcu, lobortis a odio vel, bibendum molestie odio. Nam eu massa dignissim, commodo mi non, cursus felis. Suspendisse dictum nunc eu neque volutpat fermentum. Proin gravida hendrerit nisi, et gravida nulla euismod id.

Vlad Roșca

Lecturer - FABIZ

Vlad I. Roșca, PhD, is a graduate of FABIZ, German language specialization, BSc (2009) and MSc (2011), also holding a BSc in Marketing (2010) and a MSc in International Business (2012), all within The Bucharest University of Economic Studies. PhD in Marketing (2014), with a work on Football Branding and Relational Marketing in Sports. He delivers lectures in Customer Relationship Management, Change Management, and Marketing at the English and German language tracks of our faculty. Passionate follower of all that can be played with a round or an oval ball.