Number of places: 455

  • 55 without tuition fee
  • 341 with tuition fee
  • 1 school-Olympics winner
  • 1 candidate from the social protection system
  • 1 candidate from the rural area
  • 1 candidate with special educational needs
  • 55 non-EU candidates


Tuition Fees per year:

  • tuition fee for EU citizens: 5,000 LEI/year
  • tuition fee for Non-EU citizens: 2,700 EUR/year
  • o application fee for EU, EEA and Swiss citizens: 120 LEI (first 2 options); 40 LEI per/ additional option
  • o registration fee for Non-EU citizens: 300 EUR

The full admission procedure is available here.

  1. For full-time studies, there are places funded by the state budget (without tuition fees) and tax places.
  2. The admission process is open to high school graduates holding a baccalaureate diploma or equivalent, regardless of the year of graduation, provided the high school is accredited according to legal provisions.
  3. Citizens of other European Union member states, of the European Economic Area, and of the Swiss Confederation are entitled to take part in the admission process under the same legal conditions as Romanian citizens, including the same tuition fees. Their baccalaureate or equivalent diploma must be recognized by the competent department of the Ministry of Education and Research.
  4. The application file contains a motivation essay on the choice of university studies with ASE, dated and signed by the applicant. The essay will be assessed and given a “Pass” or “Fail” grade. Only the applicants who obtain a “pass” for the motivation essay qualify for attending the language test.
  5. For the applicants who don’t provide a language certificate for the language of instruction, there will be a compulsory online language test. The language test contains multiple choice questions, with one correct answer and the assessment is a qualification “Pass”/”Fail”. In order to pass a test, an applicant must accumulate a minimum of 50 points out of 100 (maximum). An inferior result will translate into a qualification of “Fail” and the applicant will not be able to study in a program taught in the respective language.
  6. The admission of the applicants is based strictly on the admission average grade point – descending ranking of the applicants, correlated with the options expressed at the registration.

The admission average grade point is determined as follows:
70% of the baccalaureate average grade and 30% of the average grade of the high school years.

If there is more than one applicant with the same GPA as the last one admitted on a budgeted or tax place, there will be used additional criteria: (1) the high school years average grade, (2) the grade from the written Romanian/native language exam from the baccalaureate and (3) the average grade of the 4th high school year.

  1. Applicants who are students or graduates of higher education studies may enroll for a second Bachelor’s program, either on a budgeted place or a tax place, under the following conditions:
  • if the first bachelor’s program was financed from the state budget, the second will be on tuition fee,
  • if the first program was financed by tuition fees, the second may be on a budgeted place or a tax place.
  1. The applicants who are students or graduates of higher education and received support from the state budget for a certain part of their studies have to state it upon registration. An admitted applicant may benefit from budget support only for one program, for the normal duration of the studies. The redistribution of the budgeted places is done after the 1st semester of the 1st year of studies and, afterward, at the end of each year of studies, based upon the academic results of the students, as stipulated in the ASE Regulation regarding Bachelor’s studies.
  2. During the 1st year of studies, a student can register for only one full-time program in ASE. A second program in ASE can be followed in parallel only in a part-time or distance learning program (in case the applicant has registered for the respective program).


  1. There is only one registration, at the faculty representing the 1st option of the applicant.

Upon registration, the applicant will express options (and the rank of the options) for study programs and type of financing (budgeted or tax places).

After the end of the registration period, no changes are allowed to the registration data: options, their order, and other information.

During the admission process, the Central Commission will publish daily statistics regarding registrations for each faculty and study program.

Last year’s admission GPAs here.

  1. The admission results are published as follows: applicants admitted to budgeted places, applicants admitted to tax places, waiting lists, and rejected candidates. The waiting list contains the names of the applicants who qualify for at least one of their options, but have a GPA inferior to the last admitted applicant. They may obtain an eligible place after the end of the confirmation period.
  2. The admitted applicants will confirm their place as follows:
  • Applicants admitted on a budgeted place will fill in a personal statement confirming the place and committing to provide the original studies documents upon matriculation, at the beginning of the academic year. This rule also applies for applicants admitted on a tax place or those on a waiting list if they registered options for budgeted places.
  • Applicants who want to be distributed on a tax place will pay half of the annual tuition fee. This includes the applicants admitted on a tax place, the applicants admitted on a budgeted place or who are on a waiting list and have options to follow a study program on a tax place. The tuition fee is paid preferably at the via the admissions platform or by bank transfer (aud upload the proof of payment on the admissions platform).
  • Applicants who upload the Annex 20 and pay half of the annual tuition fee will be considered for both forms of financing (budgeted and tax places), according to their initial options.
  • The applicants who don’t upload Annex 20 nor pay half of the annual tuition fee will be rejected.
  • At the end of the confirmation period, the final admission ranking is published: applicants admitted on a budgeted place, applicants admitted on tax places and rejected applicants. One applicant may be declared admitted to a better ranking option from his/her initial option.
  1. Applicants who were initially placed on a waiting list and paid half of the annual tuition fee but are not admitted, may retrieve the whole amount paid or ask for it to be transferred for their admission to a different type of program (distance learning or part-time – provided they have also registered for these types of programs).
  2. Applicants admitted on a budgeted place who have also paid half of the annual tuition fee will receive the whole amount back, upon written request (
  3. The application files of rejected applicants or of applicants who wish to withdraw after admission will be delivered within two working days from the request of the applicant, unconditionally, during the working hours of the university.

Matriculation in the 1st year of studies

  1. The admitted applicants are matriculated to the 1st year of studies during the academic year 2024/2025 by a Rector’s decision. Within the first 3 weeks of the academic year, the Bucharest University of Economic Studies signs with every enrolled student an educational contract, according to Annexe 1 and the stipulations of ASE Regulation regarding the Bachelor’s studies.
  2. The status of budgeted/tax paying student is updated after the 1st semester of studies during the 1st year and at the end of each year of studies. Students will be ranked according to their academic performance.
  3. The organisation of the study groups doesn’t consider the status of the student (budgeted or tax place).
  4. Scholarships, aids, and other facilities are available with respect to the law. ASE provides admitted applicants with accommodation on campus based on their academic performance.
  5. Upon matriculation to the 1st year of studies, the applicants admitted on a budgeted place will submit the original baccalaureate diploma:

The applicants admitted to a tax place will present one of the following documents:

  • the original baccalaureate diploma or equivalent or
  • a certified copy of the baccalaureate diploma or equivalent and proof that the original document is registered with another university.
  1. The applicants who have previously benefited from the state budget financing for bachelor’s studies may benefit from a budgeted place at ASE only for the remaining period of studies out of the normal three years. Students who want to be considered for a budgeted place by redistribution will have to register their original baccalaureate diploma/equivalent at the faculty by the end of the 1st semester of the 1st academic year.

Admission and tuition fees

  1. The registration fee is paid preferably via the online admission platform. Refunds of the registration fee are not possible after the end of the registration period.

For the confirmation of the tax places, half of the annual tuition fee will be paid via the online admission platform, the payment will be automatically registered in the informatics system. For payments made through bank orders, please refer to the instructions in Annex 11. Proof of payment shall be uploaded on the platform within the confirmation deadline.

The schedule of the first intake of the admission process for bachelor’s degree programs, in the form of full-time education, for the academic year 2024-2025


July 2024 Admission Session

1. Registration 12-19 July (Fri-Fri)

Friday until 16:00

2. Publication of the assessment of the motivational essay 22 July (Mon)
3. Registration of the contestations regarding the assessment for the motivational essay between 8:00-10:00 (by e-mail: and their publication 22 July (Mon)
4. Online language test:
– for English / French / German: 9:00-11:00
– for Romanian: 12:00 – 14:00
Publication of the results of the language test
23 July (Tue)
5. Registration of the contestations regarding the assessment for the language test between 8:00-10:00 (by e-mail: and their publication 24 July (Wed)
6. Publication of the preliminary admission results: candidates admitted to places financed from the state budget, candidates admitted to tax places, candidates on the waiting list. 29 July (Wed)
7. Confirmation of the places by registering the original baccalaureate diploma and/or payment of 1/2 of the annual tuition fee Register the original
baccalaureate diploma
29-31 July , Wednesday until 14:00
8. Publication of the final results: candidates admitted to places financed from the state budget, candidates admitted to tax places, rejected applicants. 1 August (Thursday)

 Follow our website for more details or write us at

The structure of the motivational essay requested for the admission at the undergraduate study programmes offered by The Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE), 2024 session


  1. Identification data: (name, initial/initials of the father’s surname – as in the birth certificate)
  2. Where did you find out about ASE’s educational offer?
  3. What are the reasons and arguments for which you have chosen the study programme (first option) and to study at the ASE? (personal reasons, specific career preferences, arguments for obtaining certain qualifications etc.)
  4. What are your expectations regarding student life in ASE? (the educational process and possible employment while studying)
  5. After completing the undergraduate studies programme, do you plan to continue the university studies in ASE applying for a master programme?
  6. Have you had any outstanding achievements during high school (participation in Olympiads, contests, volunteering, internships, visits, etc.) which may recommend you for the programmes offered by ASE?
  7. How do you want to get involved in extracurricular activities organized by professors or students (participation in student scientific sessions, contests, volunteering, exchange programmes, participation in/organization of cultural activities, sports, etc.)?
  8. Indicate if you want other items you consider relevant to your application.


Date………………………..  Applicant’s signature…………………………………


Note: The essay will be written at single line spacing, Times New Roman, 12, and will contain between 300 and 500 words. It will be submitted in original along with the other documents from the application file.

English language certificates recognized by ASE:


  • First Certificate in English (FCE)
  • Certificate in Advanced English (CAE)
  • Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE)
  • Cambridge English: Vantage (BEC Vantage)
  • Cambridge English: Higher (BEC Higher)
  • International English Language Testing Systems (IELTS): minimum Band 6.0
  • Business Language Testing Service (BULATS): minimum 60
  • TOEFL: minimum 87

Are recognized as exempt for the English test only international certificates passed with independent user level (B2) or proficient user (C1, C2).
Students who graduated from an accredited High school with teaching in English are also exempt.

If you don’t have one of the English language certificates you will have to pass an online language test.

The admission program does not exceed – in terms of content, degree of difficulty and assessment techniques – the level of baccalaureate programs. The English language test assesses the candidates’ performance in terms of lexical and morphosyntactic knowledge and non-specialized text / speech types.

Evaluated contents:

The evaluated contents correspond to the thematic aspects and lexical & grammar structures studied in high school. The candidate must demonstrate knowledge of the following elements:

  1. Understanding a text (extracting a certain information / idea or understanding the global meaning of a text, selecting the right option of interpretation from a number of given possibilities).
  2. Vocabulary elements specific to high school textbooks. Families of words, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, homophones, semantic fields.
  3. Speech functions: to introduce someone; to introduce yourself; to give information about yourself; to suggest; to invite; to accept/refuse an invitation, an offer, a gift; to agree/disagree, to give and ask for information/guidance, to thank/answer thanks; to congratulate, to (apologize); to express your opinions, feelings, preferences/dislikes, regrets, etc., describing a place, situating in time/space; asking someone to do something/forbidding, advising, recounting an event, commenting on an idea/topic, describing, stating quality/quantity, comparing, arguing/convincing, expressing a hypothesis, opinion, etc.
  4. Morphosyntactic structures:
    • determinants: the decided and undecided article; omission of the article; the demonstrative adjective; possessive adjective;
    • noun: gender, regular and irregular plural, countable and uncountable nouns, collective nouns, genitive;
    • adjective: regular and irregular comparison; construction of the type the more …, the more … (e.g .: the sooner, the better);
    • the numeral;
    • personal pronouns; reflexive pronoun; reinforcement pronouns; reciprocal pronouns (each other, one another); indefinite pronouns (anybody, etc.); relative pronouns; its functions;
    • verb: regular and irregular verbs, tenses (present simple and continuous, past simple and continuous, present perfect simple and continuous, past perfect simple and continuous, going to, future simple and continuous, future perfect simple and continuous); modal verbs (can, may, must, should, ought to, need, will, would) and modal equivalents; conditional; the gerund (the Gerund); infinitive; subjunctive; present and past participle; active and passive diathesis;
    • adverb: comparison; position in the sentence;
    • preposition (including verbs, nouns and adjectives followed by prepositions);
    • conjunction;
    • It is vs. There is;
    • subject-predicate agreement;
    • topic of the sentence;
    • types of sentences: subjective, relative-attributive, completive, circumstantial of time / cause / purpose, conditional, concessive, consecutive, comparative (as if / as though);
    • direct and indirect speech;
    • correspondence of tenses in indirect speech, conditional and temporal sentences;
    • verbal constructions: accusative + infinitive; nominative + infinitive; have / get + direct complement + past participle; used to + verb; be / get / become used to + Verb-ing / noun; it’s (about / high) time…; in case vs. if; I wish If / If only….

The English language textbooks approved by MEN for the 2023-2024 school year will be used as bibliography, regardless of level.
Examples of past years’ language tests:

Citizens from the European Union member states, EEA countries and the Swiss Confederation enroll to study in Romania under the same conditions as Romanian citizens.

  1. Highschool graduation diploma or equivalent recognition by the National Centre for Degree Assessment and Academic Recognition.

The study documents issued by international schools in Romania or abroad must be recognized by the National Centre for Degree Assessment and Academic Recognition (CNRED):

After the receipt of the recognition/equivalence certificate, the applicant shall proceed to the registration and admission procedure, in accordance with the ASE’s admission methodology Further information, equivalence of the grades and assistance to registration: Department of International Relations, tel. +4021 319 19 84; fax +4021 319 20 23, e-mail:

  1. Documents required for the online registration with the Bucharest University of Economic Studies – Undergraduate studies/Bachelor (3 years):

  • High school graduation diploma (Baccalaureate) or equivalent and transcript of records – original documents and authenticated translations into Romanian. The high school graduation diploma will be accompanied by the recognition certificate delivered by the CNRED;
  • Motivational essay/essays, dated and signed, motivating the applicant’s choice of studying at The Bucharest University of Economic Studies:
    • the applicants who opt for programmes organized in Romanian will write the motivational essay in Romanian;
    • the applicants who opt for programmes taught in foreign language will write the motivational essay in the foreign language to be undertaken by the study programme;
    • the applicants who opt for programmes taught in foreign language and programmes taught in Romanian will write two motivational essays (one in English, French or German – depending on the language of the programme of study and one in Romanian)
    • the applicants who opt for the Applied Modern Languages Programme will write the motivational essay in Romanian.
  • Medical certificate stating that the applicant is fit for university studies;
  • Birth certificate – certified translation into Romanian;
  • Identity card/passport copy;
  • Marriage certificate (if applicable) – certified translation into Romanian;
  • Affidavit (Annex 7) – statement by the student that he/she will not be the beneficiary of budget financing, simultaneously, for any two study programs, regardless of their level, and he/she will not attend simultaneously more than two study programs, regardless of their level and financing (generated from the platform at registration);
  • A certificate issued by the university where he/she was/is a student, showing the form of financing from previous studies (if applicable);
  • ID-type photo (3/4);
  • Proof of payment of registration fees for those paying by bank transfer;
  • Certificate of language proficiency, certifying the language proficiency in the language of the undergraduate degree program (if applicable) or certificates issued by Romanian or foreign educational institutions teaching in the language of the program for which the applicant is applying;
  • Certificate of educational and vocational guidance/certificate of disability, valid on the date of submission, if applicable;
  • Document proving belonging to a national minority, if applicable;
  • Document certifying membership of the social protection system, if applicable;
  • Affidavit of belonging to a vulnerable group (people at risk of losing the ability to meet their daily living needs due to illness, disability, poverty), if applicable;
  • Diploma certifying the award in the case of Olympic candidates (according to Art. 24);
  • The document certifying the exemption from the application fee for the first two options;
  • Statement of the student that the documents uploaded on the admissions platform are authentic (Annex 8);

The documents shall be uploaded on the online admission platform ( The applicants who do not possess a Romanian CNP shall send an e-mail to the International Relations Department ( in order to obtain an ID number for the platform.

All graduates of international schools shall send their studies documents (baccalaureate/ high school graduation diploma, transcript of records all the high school years, CNRED recognition certificate). The equivalent grades to the Romanian system will be transmitted to the applicants by e-mail ( and uploaded by themselves on the registration platform.

In case the study and/or civil status documents (birth/marriage certificate) are written in a language other than Romanian, notarized copies of the Romanian translations will be uploaded in the admission platform.

More details about the application documents can be found here

(1) The application file for admission to study at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE) has to be sent to our University by e-mail or by post. The application file will be checked and then forwarded to the Ministry of Education, which will issue the the acceptance letter. The acceptance letter will be then transmitted to the applicant by the university.

(2) This letter allows the applicant to apply for the study visa from the Romanian Embassy in his/her country.

(3) It is recommended to apply as soon as possible because the procedures for obtaining the acceptance letter and the visa procedure may take up to 30 days each.

It is recommended to apply as soon as possible because the procedures for obtaining the acceptance letter and the visa procedure may take up to 30 days each.

The application file must contain the following documents (certified/authorised translations into Romanian):

  • Application form with photo;
  • Baccalaureate (high school) Diploma or equivalent and the transcript of records for the highschool years endorsed by the Romanian Embassy in his/her country or with the Hague Apostille – translated into Romanian and officially endorsed;
  • Language certificate for the language of instruction – if applicable – translated into Romanian and officially endorsed;
  • Birth certificate – translated into Romanian and officially endorsed;
  • Passport copy;
  • Medical certificate stating that the applicant is fit for university studies.

For the applicants who wish to study in English, French or German and are not native speakers/don’t provide a recognized language certificate, a compulsory language test will be organized after their arrival in Romania. Until passing the test, their admission will be conditional.

Applicants shall mention in the application their complete contact details (physical address, e-mail address, telephone number).

Documents should be sent by e-mail to:


by registered mail to the following address:

Bucharest University of Economic Studies

Office for International Cooperation and Foreign Students

Piata Romana, no. 8,

010374, Bucharest, Romania

The study fee is decided each year by the Academic Senate of the university and might be subject to change at the beginning of each academic year.

Upon arrival in Romania, the accepted applicant will have to register personally at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies, having the following documents:

  1. The letter of acceptance;
  2. Baccalaureate (high school) Diploma or equivalent endorsed by the Romanian Embassy in the country of origin with the Hague Apostille – original and translated into Romanian and officially endorsed;
  3. Transcript of records for the high school years original and translated into Romanian and officially endorsed;
  4. Language certificate for the language of instruction – if applicable – translated into Romanian and officially endorsed;
  5. A copy of the birth certificate, translated into Romanian and officially endorsed;
  6. Medical certificate (translated into Romanian) stating that the applicant is fit for university studies;
  7. 2 photos ¾;
  8. The passport containing the study visa.